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15/6/2024 - Site Update

This entire site has been updated and, hopefully simplified. It should now display more responsively - esp. on mobile devices. Downloads have largely been moved to github. A new 'Observations' pages has been created to encourage writing of reports on interesting observations. .. Next job, sort and simplify the GitHub site.


25/5/2024 - Presented at I.O.P. Stirling Physics Teachers' Meeting

Very fortunate to be asked to present at this enthusiastic and well attended event. An edited version of my presentation may be viewed here - IOP Stirling Presentation.


12/5/2024 - Aurora

Not posted anything recently as have been working on networking Infrasound plus been rather busy.

However, rather impressive aurora have been visible this weekend in the U.K, esp. nights of Fri 10th and Sat 11th. Our fluxgate 'aurora monitor' showed clear, unusual activity from 18:00 hrs UTC on the Friday.

E-W B Field, Guisborough, Uk
Current InfraSound Plot
Thur 9-5-24 (quiet)
Current InfraSound Plot
Fri 10-5-24 (busy from 6pm)
Current InfraSound Plot
Sat 11-5-24
Current InfraSound Plot
Sun 12-5-24 (quiet again)
Current InfraSound Plot

We also got a clear signal from the x1.1 magnitude flare and associated coronal mass ejection on 23-3-24 which I am writing up.


1/2/2024 - Displaying at IOP 49th Stirling Physics Teacher's Meeting

By invitation we are presenting a workshop on geophysics sensing projects at the IOP Scottish Physics Teacher's Meeting on 23/5/24 -link.


1/1/2024 - Year of the Network

Now that we've tested the new installations on the latest debian os (see below) we can move on to networking

The aim has always been to encourage the creation of networks of geophysics sensors. We have been hampered by being unable to install a 2nd set of stations locally. We had hoped to install aurora and infrasound in the local town 3 km away but this has not yet been possible. We now have a site in Durham some 35km away with network access.

Stages will be

There will be a cost to running a real-time data-server and we are hopeful of attracting funding. If not we will fund privately.
